Timeless Q&A with a rising line.
*Timeless Question* Being that your not quite nationally known could you please introduce yourself as well as talk a little bit about your line?
My name is Brian Wanjare, founder of Sublime Dreamer. I started it in 2008and shortly after I partnered with my best friends Kyle Gray Jr. & James Woods. When starting this line I envisioned something simplistic, but rare, and unique, at the same time. Therefore Sublime Dreamer was born.
*Timeless Question* When did you realize your passion for fashion?
Well I started off as always a sneaker lover at a young age, and I would always get sneakers that were uncommon so I would have to find clothing to specifically match them. I would say it started then.
*Timeless Question* How challenging is it to have a clothing line at such a young age?
I wouldn't say its challenging, I think its actually an edge because we are starting at such a young age. We've been in the fashion industry for two years now and I'm still only 19 and my partners are 21 and 20. We have the opportunity to grow and learn.
*Timeless Question* What qualities does your line possess that other brands lack?
I think our biggest thing is that our brand is universal. We dont cater to one specific market or group, and anyone can relate to our brand. Thats why I think we've gotten such a great response. Also the fact that we don't do things just because its popular or will make money, we make very conscientious decisions.
*Timeless Question* You cant possibly be doing all the work by yourself, so who else is helping and how is their job different from yours?
As I mentioned before, basically since day one Ive been on this journey with my partners Kyle Gray Jr. and James Woods.
*Timeless Question* Where did the name Sublime Dreamer come from and why did you decide on a name so unusual?
We all have aspirations to achieve some sort of goal or dream, and we all want to be the best in that specific goal, hence the name Sublime Dreamer.
*Timeless Question* Every season there are new designs meaning more work to be done, how do you come up with something different throughout the year?
Inspiration, everyday life inspires my designs, so its had to run out of ideas when everyday life inspires you.
*Timeless Question* How do you go about hiring designers or new employees?
We really keep a close, tight circle, the main core of myself, Kyle and James, we've known each other for seven years. Then we have others who are also on the team, but once again these are people we've either grown up with or known for years. I think keeping a close circle helps tremendously, because everyone has the brands best interest at heart.
*Timeless Question* Are you involved in anything else besides Sublime Dreamer?
We throw events in Delaware, we have started another company Merrim Live(www.merrimlive.com) for conducting the events. However, Sublime Dreamer is always the main focus.

Sublime Dreamer is a brand that embodies the ambitious never ending dream of success and achievement. We all have aspirations that we strive to accomplish, and not only to accomplish them, but to achieve them in the utmost fashion. Therefore, a Sublime Dreamer simply symbolizes an individual who dreams of being the best at what they do and working nonstop towards that goal.
*Timeless Question* Where do you envision your line in five years?
Hopefully with our own store, and larger presence nationally...well internationally.
*Timeless Question* Do you have any advice for other designers/entrepreneurs?
Always follow what you honestly believe in, never let money, fame or anything else drive your decisions. Also be prepared to fail many times, but consistency and hard work is what brings success.
*Timeless Question* Finally where can your line be found and how can you be contacted?
Our website is www.sublimedreamer.com and there is a contact us section where we can be reached.
*Timeless Question* Is there anything else you would like to add?
Just want to thank you for taking the time to reach out to us, and hope you much success with your own endeavors, defiantly a Sublime Dreamer. But also to keep an eye out for our highly anticipated 2011 Spring Collection, we've been really working hard to bring our fans something great.
*Remember Im Timeless Here to Bring You The Latest Styles*
I like the "Born an original" design.
ReplyDeleteThe "Dare to dream" design is really creative. Great job! :-)